Hey there. Thanks for your interest in the Raceme Farm Collective. We are a group of Black and Brown farmers tending land together.
Farms currently on the land include Flying Dogheart Farm, Scrapberry Farm, and Sun Moon Fields.
Our projects include Come Thru Market and its associated Free Booth, Black and Brown Herb Exchange, a community apothecary, and much more.
We grow weeds and medicine. We believe in food as medicine. We believe in community as medicine, so we grow that too. We are Raceme Farm Collective.
We are several distinct Black and Brown-owned farm businesses that work in collective, sharing investment and risk in farm infrastructure, marketing, and planning work. We farm on unceded territory, today this place is called Portland.
We are the people at your local farmers markets teaching your kids about herbs. We grow and sell your culturally-specific CSA shares, teach you to save seeds, make medicine, and bring about a more personally resilient and anti-racist future for you and your family.